FamilySearch Center Patron Open Hours

Open Hours 6 to 8 pm Sun., Tues., Wed., Thurs.

This schedule covers two rooms in the Provo East Stake Center building: The FamilySearch Center (FSC) and the FSC Annex in another wing. Line 1 is the day and date the center is open to the public for both. Line 2 is the stake responsible for this day in the Tri-Stake FamilySearch Center. Lines 3 and 4 (in yellow) refer to a special event, called Genealogy While You Wait held in the Annex during temple recommend interviews. (The Annex is across from the Stake President’s Office in the same building.) Line 3 provides the time when the Annex event begins as well as the names of the Stake Temple & Family History Consultants and Ward consultants assisting each day. Line 4 may also announce closures due to holidays or a conference in that building. Line 5 is the name of the Stake or Ward consultant on duty in the FamilySearch Center. Lines 6 & 7 contain the name of the responsible Ward. Line 8 is the responsible Ward Leader who has a key to the building. Line 9 contains announcements.
The following schedules have been updated as of December 2024, January, February, and March 2025. Please notify consultants to view the schedules and contact or 678-773-3968 if you need to make changes as soon as possible.

To view, scroll down the page. Each image can be copied as a screen shot by holding down the window key, Shift and tapping the letter S. It is saved to your clipboard, and then paste it to another app. To PRINT or DOWNLOAD the combined quarter schedule below, click on the green link December_2024_9 to March 2025 in the upper left corner before the December schedule. When the December schedule appears scroll down to see all four months, then click on the icon to download, or print on your computer.

December_2024_9 to March 2025


Finding Stories in Your Family Tree

Finding Stories in Your Family Tree

Family Tree is the official charting program of FamilySearch.  Fastest way to get there is to Sign in to FamilySearch, and hover over the words “Family Tree.”  Then scroll down and click the word Tree.

FS Family Tree

Your personal Family Tree will open.  It usually opens in Landscape view, but when you click on the down-arrow head across from the view name, other options will be available such as those shown on the drop-down list below.  Scroll down and click the Fan Chart view.

Once your Fan Chart opens, you should click the Options button that gives a drop-down list as shown below.  The first option allows you to select 4, 5, 6 or 7 generations at one time.  This is followed by options to see various paternal and material family lines shown in different colors, or to see who has sources, photos, who needs research help, or ordinances performed. Notice on the far left a color code chart which indicates if a person has no story attached then it has a white background.  If the person has 1-4 it means that color indicates the person has up to four stories, and this continues all the way up to 10 or more.

Select a person that has a story by clicking on their name.  Their Person Page index card appears.  To open the ancestor Person Page with all their details, either click on the person’s name or the word Person at the foot of the card.


You will find stories in several places.  For example, some researchers summarize a person’s life, by adding a story under the Life Sketch at the top of the Details area of a Person Page as shown in the image below.  Stories can also be found under the Memories area opposite the Details as shown below.

The Memories area contains Photos, Documents, Stories, and Audio.  Click on the word Memories to access a person’s stories.  Stories can be found under any of these four categories such as under Photos when saved as a .jpg cartoon image with text…

. . . or as a Document file. . . to explain a specific birth registration in another country. . .

. . . or as a typed biography, or a personal memory of a friend saved as .jpg, or .pdf file under Stories. . .

. . . or as an Audio files with no image or multiple images.

As shown in the previous four illustrations, photos, documents, stories and audio may be Selected from Gallery (which is an area under the Memories tab across from the FamilySearch icon on the Home page.  Or you may Upload a Photo directly at a Person Page.  It is best to do all four of these under the Gallery options, as that method saves time and is easier to locate in the future.


FamilySearch Blog 2023

Training can be informative.

Explore the Rich Contributions of African American Ancestors 2023 May FamilySearch Blog. You may minister to, or have friends who have International Descendants (for example Brazilian or German Heritage) this month.

Training can help you locate sources.

Last month we learned about 15.6 Million new records added from Find-a-grave Index. See if your family has been included.

Training Comes at a Convenient Time.

This link will always be available to you at this web site at a convenient time and place for you.

If you like what you see, the FamilySearch Blog has a hypertext link called Categories. Click the link and see how it focuses on larger topics. There is also a link to Subscribe. Give them your name, and e-mail address, and they will send you notification of new items when they are added.

Find something to share with others, by clicking the link below to get started:

T & FH Consultant Training

  • If you have received a calling as a Temple and Family History Consultant, and your ward clerk has put your calling into LDS Tools as a consultant, the Temple and Family History Committee of the church is prepared to send you training through The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints site.
  • Sign in with your user name and password at

Click this link   OR click on the search icon:     Then type in Temple and Family History Consultant training. You will come to this page and receive a welcome.  “Thank you for accepting the call to serve in a temple and family history calling. Your service will help gather the family of God on both sides of the veil. Your primary role is to help individuals and families increase their love of family and build connections to their ancestors and our Heavenly Father.  It will then direct you to a Temple and Family History Callings page where training is broken down by your individual areas.

  • To learn more about the goals and activities of the Provo East Stake, its affiliation with the Tri-Stake Family History Center, and training on temple and family history activities, please attend a once a month coordination meeting announced under the Activities tab of this site.   Currently we are available on Tuesday Evenings from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Valley Vista Chapel, 1456 East 300 North (East of Splash Summit Water Park).  We meet in the chapel, so wear appropriate attire.  We have computers on wheels, and one-on-one training available.
  • On the second Thursday of each month we have a special training event.  It is announced under the Activities tab. In August the event is a field trip to the BYU Family History Center.  We will car pool.


  • Hopefully, within a few months, our stake center renovations will be complete, and we will be working at the address below.

    Provo East Tri-Stake Family History Center
    667 N. 600 E.
    Provo, UT 84606

  • It is located in the southwest side of the Stake Center building. There is good parking on the outside back of the building. Push the button on the outside of the glass doors labeled Family History Center to ring inside the center so that staff can open the door if it is locked.

If you have a special training need, please click the Home tab and select the Contact Us button.

Individuals lessons can be started at any time here on the web site.

We hope to meet you at our monthly training meeting.  Everyone who is interested in doing genealogy is welcome.

Karen Clifford, Stake Temple and Family History Consultant
Director, Provo East Tri-Stake Family History Director

Site Map Overview

Welcome to the Web Site of the Provo East Tri-Stake Family History Center.  Hope you enjoy the contents of this site, and will come back and visit us often.

On the Home page you will find tabs across the top for:

Home – Click Contact us to find current contact information

About – Our mission

FamilySearch Tools – Getting started with FamilySearch tools, memories, and lessons

Activities – Stake training events, genealogy news from leads and consultants

Resources – Genealogy Methodology, Online training, lessons

Help – Contact us, share how you’ve served

The footer at the bottom of the site contains Working and Meeting Schedule when the FHC is officially open, Activity worksheets for individuals and families to use as 15 minute activities to learn about new tools at FamilySearch, or to learn to do Web indexing.

Any Questions!  Please call Karen Clifford, 801-808-2339 (cell or text), or 801-420-9915 (home phone with answering machine).